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With many years experience, we have the answers to your questions and know how to clean and treat just about any stone, concrete or masonry construction. The name Tensid is synonymous with high quality, effective, environmentally responsible and proven products, technical advice and a renowned customer service. We strive to ensure that, as far as possible, our products are safe for the environment, biodegradable and friendly for the user.
Pressure washing using recycled water What could be more environmentally responsible? The Aquila TD302REC hot water pressure washer collects, filters and recycles water for use again and again. You can clean streets and town centres during the day as there is no water splashing and no need to fill up the water tank – use the same recycled water all day. It saves you time too – less time disposing of waste and producing waste notices. Saves water, time and energy!
Tensid’s products are kind to you and our environment. And, continuing research and development means we not only improve but introduce new breakthrough products to our ranges. We are not simply a supplier, our expertise enables us to provide technical advice and support for you on site or by phone and site trials and demonstrations. In other words, we are here for you – to understand your business and to provide the help and support to whatever extent you need. Working side by side with you – we supply the expertise, then you supply the success!